Researching family history can be absolutely fascinating. Why not get involved? 
Below are some useful tips and insights from the founder of Footsteps Family, Ben Nicholls, an acknowledged industry expert and trusted advisor, which will hopefully trigger some thoughts or ideas. 

Posts tagged “Perfect Valentine's Gift, Family Tree,”

It’s exactly 4 weeks today until the annual festival of love and romance that is St. Valentine’s Day. So how are you going to express your feelings for that special person in your life on February 14th this year? 
There are (of course) the clichéd, default presents: flowers or chocolates for your lady; aftershave or cufflinks for your man! But maybe she’s keeping-up her New Year's resolution to diet, and perhaps he only wears a smart shirt once a year at a wedding! 
Well here's an idea... Why not give a truly unique and deeply personal gift that really represents your love for each other?