Researching family history can be absolutely fascinating. Why not get involved? 
Below are some useful tips and insights from the founder of Footsteps Family, Ben Nicholls, an acknowledged industry expert and trusted advisor, which will hopefully trigger some thoughts or ideas. 

Posts tagged “Family History”

Learning more about where you’ve come from and the people who made you can be the most rewarding journey you ever make. 
Maybe you have been inspired by the experiences of the celebrities on Who Do You Think You Are? 
But right now, you might be working and raising a family and you haven’t really got time. So you put the idea on the back-burner and maybe you’ll get into it when you retire. 
A Customer's Experience of Footsteps 
In this week's blog, Ben Nicholls, leading international family historian and founder of Footsteps, recounts a recent client engagement and what it meant to both the client and to Ben... 
"One of my customers, Katherine, agreed to have a chat with me about her experience with Footsteps. Listening to her feedback was really heart-warming, and also quite emotional to be honest! I’m excited about sharing this with you. 
Katherine approached us in early 2017 to help her find out more about her family history after reading an article about Footsteps in the local press."