Top 5 Tips to Researching your Family History
Posted on 14th March 2018 at 17:20
Finding out about your family history is more popular than ever and can be very rewarding.
In order to get the most from your research and make it an enjoyable and sociable experience, we recommend you follow these five tips...
1) Ask your older relatives for information. This will come free of charge and also provides a great opportunity for you to spend some quality time with your family. Do bear in mind that memories can be exaggerated, misinterpreted or biased and will need verifying! Take digital photos of any family photos or heirlooms your relatives show you. This will vividly illustrate your family history.
2) Write down what you have and record it in a diagram like a basic family tree. This will allow you to focus on where to go next. Remember to record any sources of information so you can refer back to them when necessary.
3) In the early days of your family history journey, don’t waste time with brick walls because that can be disheartening. Trace the ancestors that are easier to find first. Find your ancestors’ names and dates. Remember to record what you don’t find as well as what you do, so you don’t repeat your research!
4) Find stories about the ancestors that you have discovered, to create a fuller picture of your family. You will find these stories in newspapers, court records, military records and many more sources. Now you will get to see what your ancestors were like as people. Find out more about the events and times in which your family lived and were involved in.
5) Display your amazing ancestry so that it can be shared by other family members. Create a family tree to show how everyone fits into the family. Then create a book that documents the stories and the pictures, and share it with everyone you can. You'll be amazed at how much it brings you all together and triggers even more memories and fascinating conversations!
...If you enjoyed this blog and it has inspired you to find out more about your family, click HERE to take the next step.
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